Thing 5: Audio Tools

As an ENL teacher, I naturally gravitated toward the 
6 Storytelling Apps That Get English Language Learners Talking links. I was able to get the Puppet Edu app on my phone and test it out.  It was fairly simple to use. As I explored the app, I checked out the sample presentations which featured pictures that students had taken of their work or items they wanted to use for their stories. I started to think about what I might do as an alternative to our current 7th grade unit project, which is to create children's books about the life of Frederick Douglass. I have some students who are ELLs and also have IEPs. One student in particular struggles heavily with hand-writing but is very strong at retaining and retelling information. I can imagine using this app for him to create an audio story for children about Frederick Douglass. I decided to try out the app by taking a quick screen shot of Douglass and recording a bit of information about him as a test. This was extremely easy to do on my phone. I imagine it would be equally as easy on a borrowed i-pad from our school library. The app makes it simple to keep or redo any of your recordings. You can also directly email the link (see mine below) to yourself or a peer/teacher. All in all, this was a useful experience because I've been able to think of a number of ways I'd like to use this app in the future. 

Link to my test recording:

Using Puppet Edu with students: 
  • Have newcomer ELLs/reluctant presenters record presentations and show them to the class rather than doing them live
  • Have students retell stories/information they have read to practice paraphrasing into their own words.
  • Record half of a story as a model and ask students to finish it with their own voices and images. 
  • Develop a tutorial for students who are new to the school with images of places like the health office, main office, etc...
Using Puppet Edu myself: 
  • Record stories or information with images for students entering/emerging ELLs who need assistance approaching grade level content. 
  • Record tutorials or content for students to access at home for practice or making up work. 


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